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Amanda Curtis
Women of Jumper

Amanda Curtis

At Jumperfabriken, we have a fine tradition of using women we like and admire as models in our photos. One of them is Amanda, with whom we have had the great pleasure of collaborating with between 2008 and 2015. Amanda inspires us with her creativity and fine personality. Get to know her a little better here in our mini-interview.

Hi Amanda! Can you tell us a little bit about all the exciting things you have going on right now?

Hello! My name is Amanda and I currently work mostly at home taking care of my two month old baby Alma and soon to be three year old Ruby. As soon as I get a moment to spare and have some energy, I go up to my studio and continue with my project - dreamandawake. 

It is a place where I collect and categorize old dresses that have been renewed through redesign and photography. These dresses then become part of a dress archive that I have chosen to call "Not just a number". I also sell some of the dresses online. With this project, I want to promote a healthier approach to clothing and textile materials - by encouraging the redesign and reuse of already existing materials. You can read more about the project at www.dreamandawake.com 

In addition to this, I am also working on converting an old olive and citrus farm to become organic. I do this by collaborating with various invited employees who, through permaculture, create new systems and interactions between land, crops and people. You can of course read more about this project on Instagram too @aldovestasocialclub

Do you have a female role model? And if so, how has she inspired and influenced you?

My mom. Her amazing presence, ability and willingness to always make time for me and my siblings. No matter how old we get. This has inspired me and reminds me daily how important it is to take advantage of time with the family. 

To us, you are what we proudly call a "Jumper woman". Is it possible that you have a favorite garment from Jumperfabriken? 

I love this cardigan that I'm wearing in the picture and I also have a dress that I really like - it's simple fine knit and bell-shaped with long sleeves. 

Do you have any tips for our readers on a film, series, book or song that you think is particularly lovely and uplifting for us women?

The book Salt by Nayyirah Waheed is full of beautiful thought-provoking poems that can both cheer up and strengthen in most situations. I usually listen to music on the French radio station FIP Radio as it is hugely varied. It can suddenly turn a gray day into a colorful and sunny celebration of life itself.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer the questions!