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Linda Pabst
Women of Jumper

Linda Pabst

Linda Pabst

At Jumperfabriken, we have a fine tradition of lifting, celebrating and paying attention to women who inspire us. One of them is the creator Linda Pabst.

Linda has just been to the design market A la London where she sold ceramic utility items and selected pieces of her fine design. This time, moreover, it was Linda who received the prestigious commission to design the market's poster. Illustrating posters and maps is something we would say that Linda is a specialist at.

Hello Linda! Many of us recognize you and your creations from the Instagram account @lindapabst but for those who are not fully aware of who you are — tell us who you are and what you do!

My name is Linda Pabst and I live with my family in the countryside, outside Gothenburg. Among other things, I work as an illustrator, graphic designer and designer. Most of the time I sit in front of the computer where I draw and design. But when the spirit strikes, I also sit down at the turntable and create objects in ceramics. And I love growing in my garden. Everything that is fun I want to do, and I do!

Many of us have a female role model, someone who inspired and influenced us a little extra. Do you have one like this?

I'm probably a bit bad at acquiring role models, but I certainly admire many women who put their whole soul into something. I'm mainly thinking of some more local talent, no famous women. Frida Kahlo was an interesting woman, perhaps not a role model, but still.

To us, you are what we proudly call a "Jumper woman". Is it possible that you have a favorite garment from Jumperfabriken?

I love my knitted "Norskolle", as I call it. It's actually a cardigan called Joelle. So nice to have when you're out in the garden doing stuff. Of course, it is also included when we go on our trips to Norway.

Last but not least. Do you have any tips for our readers? It could be a film, series, book or song that you think feels extra lovely and uplifting for us women?

I devour audiobooks when I sit and work. Some stick, like "Where crayfish sing". There was a special feeling in that book. I also enjoy listening to documentaries, or real-life stories. Especially little horror stories, don't know if it's because they make me realize how good I have it maybe?! For example, "The escape from camp 14" is one of all the horrible stories that exist from North Korea.

So my tip must be: Do you think you feel bad? - listen to it and you will realize how good you have. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions Linda and good luck with all the exciting projects ahead of you!